split 剧情介绍(找张嘉译的一部电视剧《毕业生》)

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《死神》漫画现已被翻译成英文、中文等多个版本。正如其它很多著名系列漫画一样,《死神》的动画版也正于东京电视台热播中,开始时间是2004年10月5日。从2005年10月起改为每周二7:30开始播出,由Studio Pierrot负责动画的制作。因为动画进度比漫画进度要快的关系,动画部分从64集开始暂时与漫画内容分离,进行原创内容的播放。

故事的主角黑崎一护是个看似单薄却满身热血的暴力少年,并且拥有能看见幽灵的体质。家里有一个开医院兼除灵的老爸和两个性格绝对正常的妹妹,一护每天七点必须按时回家否则老爸便会使用“身体语言教训”的暴力家规。吵闹的父子,懂事的妹妹以及与其他普通人无大异的普通生活。等到露琪亚被他一脚踢到墙角并满脸惊疑地望着他问“你能看见我?”时序幕才这样被他正式地踢了开来。 从此黑崎一护身边所有该与不该的都翻天覆地。 世上有两种魂魄,一种叫做正灵,是普通的灵。另一种是不管生人死者都攻击并吞噬掉他们灵魂的恶灵,叫做虚。 自称是死神的露琪亚告诉他自己的工作是将整魂葬并引导至一个叫尸魂界的地方,而要将虚升华消灭。当时虚已近在身边,莫名重伤的父亲昏倒在眼前的妹妹,黑崎一护狂乱恐慌的心跳,自行解开死神的鬼道的夸张能力,露琪亚惊疑的眼神。对于他和她来说一切都是如此无法思议,他从来没想到过世界上竟会有死神这种人的存在而她也从未见过甚至听说过竟然有着如此厉害的人类。 在别无选择的情况下一护得到露琪亚的能力成为死神。身上黑色的属于死神的衣服,因他的灵力而改变形态并变得巨大的斩魄刀,巨大的面目狰狞的虚,至此而始紧紧联系在一起的两人的命运。一切都同样别无选择………

BLEACH 官网 非番队∶

黑崎一护 kurosaki ichigo

井上织姬 inoue orihime

茶渡泰虎 sado yasutora

浦原喜助 urahara kisuke

有泽龙贵 (有沢たつき) arisawa tatsuki

黑崎一心 kurosaki ishin

黑崎真咲 kurosaki masaki

魂 (コン) kon

唐·观音寺 (ドン·観音寺) don kanonji

石田雨龙 (石田雨竜) ishida uryu

握菱铁斋 (握菱鉄斎) akubishi tessai

花刈甚太 hanakari jinda

紬屋雨 tsumugi ururu

四枫院夜一 shihouinyoruichi

兕丹坊 jindanbou

志波空鹤 shiba kuukaku

志波燕鹫 shiba ganjyu


山本元柳斎重国 (山本元柳齐重国) yamamotogenryuusai shigekuni


碎蜂 (砕蜂) soi fon

大前田希千代 omaeda kichio


市丸银 (市丸ギン)ichimaru gin

吉良伊鹤 (吉良イヅル)kira izuru


卯之花烈 (卯ノ花烈) unohana retsu

虎彻勇音 kotetsu isane

山田花太郎 yamada hanatarou


蓝染惣右介 aizen sousuke

雏森桃 hinamori momo


朽木白哉 kuchiki byakuya

阿散井恋次 abarai renji

理吉 rikichi


狛村左阵komamura soji

射场铁左卫门 (射场鉄左卫门) iba tetsuzaemon

一贯坂慈楼坊 (一贯坂慈楼坊) ikkanzaka jiroubou


京乐春水 (京楽春水) kyoraku shunsui

伊势七绪 ise nanao

円乗寺辰房 (円乗寺辰房) enjouji tatsufusa


东仙要 tousen kaname

桧佐木修兵 (桧佐朩修兵)hisagi shuuhei


日番谷冬狮郎hitsugaya toushirou

松本乱菊 matsumoto rangiku

竹添幸吉郎 takezoe koukichirou


更木剑八 (更木剣八) zaraki kenpachi

草鹿八千流 (草鹿やちる) kusajishi yachiru

斑目一角 madarame ikkaku

绫濑川弓亲 (绫瀬川弓亲)ayasegawa yumichika

荒巻真木造 aramaki makizou


涅茧利 (涅マユリ) kurotsuchi mayuri

涅音无 (涅ネム) kurotsuchi nemu


浮竹十四郎ukitake zyuusirou

志波海燕 shiba kaien

小椿仙太郎 kotsubaki sentarou

虎彻清音 kotetsu kiyone

朽木露琦亚(ルキア) kuchiki rukia

【斩魄刀的罗马音 & 介绍】

斩魄刀 zanbakutou

斩月 zangetsu

蛇尾丸 zabimaru

红姫 benihime

神枪 shinsou

鬼灯丸 hoozukimaru

藤孔雀 fujikujaku

劈乌 tsunzakigarasu

飞梅 tobiume

侘助 wabisuke

千本樱 senbonzakura

疋杀地蔵 ashisogijizou

清虫 suzumusi

冰轮丸 hyourinmaru

捩花 nejibana

天谴 tengen

冻云 itekumo

厳霊丸 gonryoumaru

五形头 gegetsubiri

肉雫唼 minazuki

流刃若火 ryuujinjakka

双鱼理 sougyonokotowari

花天狂骨 katenkyoukotsu

雀蜂 susumebachi


斩月 zangetsu 黒崎一护


[本体] 胡子大叔

[始解] 月牙天冲 月牙天冲

[卍解] 天锁斩月 天锁斩月

[本体登场] 63. Lesson 2-3: Innercircle Breakdown

[初登场] 66. THE BLADE AND ME vs. 浦原喜助

[始解登场] 161. Scratch the Sky vs. 朽木白哉

[卍解登场] 162. Black Moon Rising vs. 朽木白哉

袖白雪xiubesuo 朽木露琪亚





[始解登场]117 vs破面

蛇尾丸 zabimaru 阿散井恋次


[本体] 蛇尾狒狒

[始解] 吼えろ、蛇尾丸 咆哮吧,蛇尾丸

[卍解] 狒狒王蛇尾丸 狒狒王蛇尾丸

[本体登场] 118. The Supernal Tag

[初登场] vs.黑崎一护

[始解登场] 54. 名も讯けぬ子供(不用问姓名的孩子) vs. 黒崎一护

[卍解登场] 141. Kneel to The Baboon King vs. 朽木白哉

红姫 benihime 浦原喜助


起きろ、红姫 醒来吧,红姬

啼け、红姫 鸣叫吧,红姬 (血霞之盾)

[初登场] 65. Collissions vs. 黒崎一护

神枪 shinsou 市丸银


[始解] 射杀せ、神枪 射杀吧,神枪

[始解登场] 75. 血雨 vs. 黒崎一护

鬼灯丸 hoozukimaru 斑目一角


伸びろ、鬼灯丸 伸展吧,鬼灯丸 (矛)

裂けろ、鬼灯丸 裂开吧,鬼灯丸 (三节棍)

[始解] 鬼灯丸

[卍解] 龙纹鬼灯丸

[初登场] 87. Dancing With Spears vs. 黒崎一护

[始解登场] vs.黑崎一护

[卍解登场] 205. Mala Suerte! 4[Monstruo Monstruoso] vs. 破面NO.13 艾多拉德·里欧尼斯

藤孔雀 fujikujaku 绫濑川弓亲


[初登场] 89. Masterly! And Farewell! vs. 志波岩鹫

[正体登场] 147. Countdown to The End: 3 vs. 桧佐木修兵

劈乌 tsunzakigarasu 一贯坂慈楼坊


羽ばたきなさい、劈乌 振翅高飞吧,劈乌

[初登场] 91. KING OF PREISCHUTZ vs. 石田雨竜

飞梅 tobiume 雏森桃


弾け、飞梅 绽放吧,飞梅

[初登场] 101. Split Under The Red Stalk vs. 吉良イヅル

侘助 wabisuke 吉良逸鹤


面を上げろ、侘助 抬头吧,侘助

[初登场] 101. Split Under The Red Stalk vs. 雏森桃

千本桜 senbonzakura 朽木白哉


[始解] 散れ、千本桜 散落吧,千本樱

[卍解] 千本桜景厳 千本樱景严

歼景·千本桜景厳 歼景·千本樱景严

[初登场] vs.黑崎一护

[始解登场] 116. White Tower Rocks vs. 志波岩鹫

[卍解登场] 142. 月を捉うものへ告ぐ(对捞月者的忠告) vs. 阿散井恋次

164. That Who Change the World vs. 黒崎一护

匹杀地蔵 ashisogijizou 涅茧利


[始解] 掻きむしれ、匹杀地蔵 出来吧,匹杀地蔵

[卍解] 金色匹杀地蔵 金色匹杀地蔵

[初登场] 122. Don't Lost Your Grip On vs. 石田雨竜

[卍解登场] 125. Insanity & Genius vs. 石田雨竜

清虫 suzumusi 东仙要


[始解] 鸣け、清虫 叫吧,清虫

红飞蝗 红飞蝗

[卍解] 阎魔蟋蟀 阎魔蟋蟀

[始解登场] 126. The Last of a Void War vs. 石田雨竜

[二式登场] 139. Drowsy, Bloody, Crazy vs. 更木剣八

[卍解登场] 146. Demon Loves the Dark vs. 更木剣八

冰轮丸 hyourinmaru 日番谷冬狮郎


[始解] 霜天に坐せ、冰轮丸 端坐霜天,冰轮丸

[卍解] 大红莲冰轮丸 大红莲冰轮丸

[始解登场] 132. Creeping Limit vs. 市丸ギン

[卍解登场] 170. end of hypnosis2 [The Galvanizer] vs. 蓝染惣右介 & 市丸ギン

捩花 nejibana 志波海燕

水天逆巻け、捩花 水天逆卷,捩花

[登场] 135. memories in the rain 2 op. 3 (Stepping Into Darkness) vs. 虚

天谴 tengen 狛村左阵


[卍解] 黒縄天谴明王 黑縄天谴明王

[卍解登场] 148.Countdown to The End: 2 (Lady Lennon~Frankenstein) vs. 更木剣八

浅打 asauchi 一般死神


冻云 itekumo 虎彻勇音

奔れ、冻云 奔驰吧,冻云

[初登场] 152. The Speed Phantom vs. 黒崎一护

厳霊丸 gonryoumaru 一番副官

穿て、厳霊丸 穿刺吧,严灵丸

[初登场] 152. The Speed Phantom vs. 黒崎一护

五形头 gegetsubiri 大前田希千代

打っ溃せ、五形头 冲击吧,五形头

[初登场] 152. The Speed Phantom vs. 黒崎一护

肉雫唼 minazuki 卯之花烈


[初登场] 154. The God of Flash

流刃若火 ryuujinjakka 山本元柳斋重国


[始解] 万象一切、灰烬と为せ、流刃若火 万象一切,化为灰烬,流刃若火

[始解登场] 155. Redoundable deeds / Redoubtable babies vs. 京楽春水 & 浮竹十四郎

双鱼理 sougyonokotowari 浮竹十四郎


[始解] 波悉く我が盾となれ、雷悉く我が刃となれ、双鱼理 波尽为吾盾,雷尽为吾刃,双鱼理[始解登场]

156. Welcome to Purgatory vs. 山本元柳斎重国

花天狂骨 katenkyoukotsu 京乐春水


[始解] 花风紊れて花神啼き、天风紊れて天魔嗤う、花天狂骨 花风乱花神啼,天风乱天魔嗤,花天狂骨

[始解登场] 156. Welcome to Purgatory vs. 山本元柳斎重国

雀蜂 susumebachi 碎蜂


[始解] 尽敌螫杀、雀蜂 尽敌螯杀,雀蜂

[始解登场] 157. Cat And Hornet vs. 四枫院夜一

虹霞 一濑之川树


[始解] 闪烁吧 ,虹霞

[初登场] vs.无名大虚

[始解登场] vs.黑崎一护

灰猫 haineko 松本乱菊


[始解] 念れ、灰猫 吟唱吧,灰猫

[始解登场] 169. end of hypnosis vs. 吉良イヅル

鬼道 kidou

塞 sai 缚道の一


南之心脏 北之眼瞳 西之指尖 北之脚踵 随风而聚 躯雨而散

苍火坠 soukatsui 破道の三十三



白雷 byakurai 破道の四 训练者 血肉之假面 万障 展翅吧 根据一人的名字

消灭和骚乱 经由逆海而上 根据南方的旨意

禁 kin 缚道の九十九


卍禁 bankin 缚道の九十九第二番、初曲·弐曲·终曲三曲组成

初曲 止绷 shiryuu 以布缠住对方的身体封住其行动

弐曲 百连闩 hyakurensan 在布上面钉上针

终曲 卍禁太封 bankintaihou 用巨大的石柱砸向不能动的对手

白伏 hakufuku


赤火炮 shakkahou 破道の三十一


[呪文] 君临者よ!血雨の仮面·万象·羽ばたき·ヒトの名を冠す者よ!焦热と争乱、海隔て逆巻き南へと歩を进めよ!


六杖光牢 rikujoukourou 缚道の六十一


五柱铁贯 (ごちゅうてっかん) 缚道の七十五


[呪文] 鉄砂の壁僧形の塔灼鉄荧荧湛然として终に音无し

铁砂之壁 僧形之塔 灼铁荧荧 因其坚决终至无声

——缚道之五十八 掴趾追雀(使用人;长彻勇音)

黑白之网 二十二之桥梁 六十六之冠带

足迹 元雷 尖峰 回地 夜伏 云海 苍兰队列

绘满太圆 直冲天际吧








因果之锁:灵魂被拉出肉体时, 仍旧连接著肉身和灵魂, 可是一旦断掉,那人的灵魂便不能回到肉身, 即死

灵络:视觉化的灵魂的气息, 上位死神身上才能见


灭却师:和死神对立, 死神的把虚净化而灭却师是将之消灭,石田雨竜便是灭却师一族的最后一人





义魂丸(SOUL CANDY):强制让灵魂脱离肉体的药丸(女性死神协会抱怨不可爱而在三年前更名,纯YY)






















































































山本元柳斎重国(山本元柳斋重国) / 生も死も、浄も不浄も爱憎も、重なり重なり続けて几星霜――揺るがぬ、大木


砕蜂(碎蜂) / 迷い无く刺す女王の瞳


四枫院夜一 / 瞬にして錬にして素にして烨にして圣にして豪にして镇にして焔にして


市丸ギン(市丸银) / それは爱のように美しい杀意


吉良イヅル / 泡のように悩みは无限、道は未だ薄暗暗。されど进む。进むしかない。


卯の花烈(卯之花烈) / 究极の治疗。静かに微笑む白い花。


蓝染惣右介(蓝染忽右介) / 心に和。眼には静谧。限りなく穏やかな炎。 しかし実际はまた人々の特徴がある

心绪平和。眼藏静谧。无比安稳的火。 但是,他是有另外一个面目的人

雏森桃 / 无垢なる心の雏乙女。どうかどうか昙らぬように彼女の道が。


朽木白哉 / "心"に惑わされてはいけない。それは时に嘘をつく―――


阿散井恋次 / 闘い求め¨その先の何かを欲し¨呜呼、今宵も鵺が鸣く―――


射场鉄左卫门(射场铁左卫门) / "男"である戦う理由はそれで十分!






Forrest Gump

(Comedy/Drama) (1994)

"Life is like a box of chocolates: You never know what you're going to get."

Major Characters:

Forrest Gump...................Tom Hanks

A somewhat slow (not smart) person, who happens to be incredibly kind,

decent, and over the course of his life, quite lucky.

Jenny..........................Robin Wright

Forrest's most important friend from early childhood, who remains his friend

for over 35 years despite the very different lives that they will lead.

Mama Gump......................Sally Field

Forrest's loving mother who will do all she can to give

Forrest a good life despite his lack of intelligence.

Lieutenant Dan..................Gary Siniese

An army officer that Forrest meets while serving in the Vietnam war, who eventually

becomes a loyal friend of Forrest (A "Lieutenant" is a mid-level rank in the army).

Bubba...........................Mykelti Williamson

A poor black solider, and another friend that Forrest makes in Vietnam.

Plot Summary

Forrest Gump is the story of an incredibly kind and gentle person who is also

what some people might call "mildly retarded." It's true that he is not too smart,

but he is very fortunate, because he has a mother and friend who love him dearly.

Forrest is born and raised in rural Alabama, in the Southern United States.

He grows up with his mother, who rents out rooms in the family house to people

traveling through the area.

Despite his lack of sophistication, and the fact that he was raised far from any

major cities, Forrest manages to become personally involved in most of the critical

events that take place in American History from the late 1950s until the early 1980s.

This includes the Vietnam War, the Watergate Scandal, the Civil Rights and Anti-Vietnam

War protest movements, and the Computer Revolution. Forrest even meets three American

Presidents as well as Elvis Presley and John Lennon. In a way, this movie is a look

at a period of American history through the eyes of a gentle soul who lacks cynicism,

but simply accepts things for what they are.

Ultimately, it is about the relationships that Forrest develops through his life.

With his mother, who will do anything for him, with his two best friends from his

days in the army, Bubba and Lieutenant Dan, and most of all, with Jenny, his true

childhood sweetheart. Jenny experiences the changes in American culture from a

totally different perspective than Forrest, eventually joining the various protest

movements and subcultures of the 1960s and 70s. But in the end, she is faithful

to her childhood friend, whose sincerity, kindness and loyalty she would find in

no other person.

A special note on language usage: Since much of the movie is narrated by Forrest,

you should be careful to not internalize the ungrammatical aspects of his personal

way of speaking. Aside from the obvious use of "double-negatives," Forrest also

tends to conjugate the past tense of "to be" incorrectly, saying "we was" instead

of "we were."

Words and Expressions that You may not Know

Forrest Arrives in town to see Jenny, and soon tells he story of

his early life to anyone who happens to be on the bus stop bench...

I'll bet you can walk all day in shoes like that and never feel anything.

A common way to say "I'm sure that..."

His back is as crooked as a politician.

A good play on words: "Crooked" can mean marked by

bends or curves, but it also means corrupt and dishonest.

They were in the Ku Klux Klan. They dressed up like a

bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.

The "KKK" is an infamous group of violent racists that has

existed in the United States since the 1860s. A "Spook" is a ghost.

What are you all staring at?

In the Southern United States, "you all" operates as a form

of "you," but note that it is always pronounced "ya'all."

He has braces on his legs.

A clamp or brace that hold two or more pieces together.

Green Bough, Alabama

The County and State where Forrest grew up. States are divided into

counties, though most people aren't particularly aware of them. Alabama

is in the "deep South" of the United States.

Mama decided to let those rooms out.

A rather British way to say "rent out."

Your boy is different: His IQ is 75.

"Intelligence Quotient," which is the standard test to measure a person's intelligence.

An IQ of 100 is considered normal, which means that Forrest has an IQ which may be

close to "retarded," or as some people say in the 1990's, "mentally challenged."

He might be a bit on the slow side.

"He might be a little mb."

He's not going to a special school to retread tires!

A "tread" is the outer covering of a tire, and thus

to "retread a tire" is to put a new covering on the tire.

Your mama sure does care about your schooling.

"Mama" is often used for mom, or mother, but outside of the South,

it is usually used only by children. "Schooling" can be an alternative

word for ecation.

Me and mama was on our own.

"We had to be responsible for ourselves, since no one else would take care of us."

There were always folks coming and going.

"Folks" is a very Southern way to say people. It can also mean parents.

Suitcases, hot cases, sample cases.

Different types of cases that Forrest discovers exist. A "sample case"

may be a small box for jewelry or some other proct for sale, but I'm not

sure if there really is such a thing as a "hot case."

He had him a guitar case.

Ungrammatical Southern English: Note the use of the object pronoun "him" after

the verb "had." Avoid this grammatical construction, which is used quite a bit

throughout the movie.

That's not for children's eyes.

Mama's poetic way of saying "children are too young to see this."

It must be hard being a king.

Elvis Presley became famous as "The King of Rock'n'Roll."

On the way to school, Forrest meets the most

beautiful girl he had ever seen, or ever would.

Mama said to not to be taking rides from strangers.

An important noun, and the one you use when you

want a friend to drive you somewhere: "Can I get a ride?"

(You're fluent now, so stop saying "Can I go in the car with you?"!)

It's funny what a young man recollects.

A somewhat fancy word for "remember."

My first outdoor picnic.

A meal prepared to eat outside, often in a park.

My legs are just fine and dandy.

A curious and somewhat old-fashioned expression meaning good, or well.

"Stupid is as stupid does."

An expression that became famous because of this movie. I think this is mama's way of

saying "Just because you look stupid, you're not stupid unless you do stupid things."

A great thing to say the next time your boyfriend calls you an idiot. Or maybe not.

We was like peas and carrots.

Forrest's way of saying "we went together well, and became best friends."

I showed her how to dangle.

An interesting little verb meaning to hang loosely, or swing gently back and forth.

Children will dangle from a swing on a tree branch, but also note that a plan may dangle,

until somebody takes action.

Forrest runs from the local bullies, and

soon learns he can run like the wind...

Hey mmy!

An insult word meaning mb or stupid.

I could run like the wind blows.

A poetic expression, usually said without the verb to blow.

That boy sure is a running fool.

A "fool" can be somebody who is considered mb, or it can be

someone who was made to look ridiculous in a particular situation.

Her mama had gone to heaven when I was five.

Forrest's only way to say that somebody has died.

You better get back here, girl.

I put this here simply to tell you that "better" is the only word in English

that functions as both an adverb ("I play better than you") and an auxiliary

verb (as in the sentence above). Shocking, but true!

Jenny would sneak out and come to my house.

"To sneak out" is a useful phrasal verb meaning to

leave secretly. Note that the past tense is "snuck out."

Let's move it!

A common alternative to "Let's go!" Often said by a

person with power or authority, such as a teacher or coach.

It used to be I ran to get where I was going;

I never thought it would take me anywhere.

---Forrest's philosophy of life

Who in the hell is that?

A common addition to "Wh questions" to show added emotion

such as surprise or anger, but the "in" is usually not used.

Just a local idiot.

A funny way to say "a moron who lives around here."

He must be the stupidest son of a bitch alive!

Usually used as a crude insult to describe a mean or unpleasant

person, but here it's almost used as a term of pity.

While in collage, Forrest finds himself involved in a world going

through great social changes, as Jenny prepares to follow her dreams.

Federal troops [are] enforcing a court order.

Reference to the incident in 1962, when President Kennedy ordered the US army

to force the authorities of Alabama to allow two black students into the University

of Alabama. A judge had ordered the admission of black students, and because of

resistance in the South to such orders, the President had to use army soldiers to

make sure that the order was obeyed.

Coons, Niggers.

Very crude racist insults referring to blacks.

(I think "coon" was short for the animal "raccoon.")

The Commander of the National Guard and Governor Wallace.

Wallace was the racist Governor of Alabama in 1962 who refused to obey the courts

because he insisted the blacks must not be allowed to go to a State University with

whites. The "National Guard" are soldiers under the command of indivial Governors

of the 50 states who are used in times of civil unrest (riots). However, in 1962,

President Kennedy "nationalized" the guard so that the troops would follow his orders,

and thus enforce the court order to allow blacks into the University.

The University of Alabama had been desegregated.

"To desegregate" is to end the legal separation that exists,

in this case concerning schools.

Wasn't that Gump? :::: Sure as hell was!

Another "hell" expression, used to add emotion to a sentence.

It was coed.

Short for co-ecational: An important word meaning that both

males and females are present. It usually refers to a school.

He didn't know any better

A good way to excuse a stupid action!

Forest, look at you! Come on!

The most wonderful and versatile phrasal verb in the English language,

signifying everything from "Be serious" to "Please." Here, meaning "let's go!"

I want to be a singer like Joan Baez.

A famous American folk singer who sung songs

about injustice, war and other social issues.

I want to reach people on a personal level.

Jenny's way of saying that she wants her songs to touch people emotionally.

Girls? I sit next to them in home economics class all the time.

A class in high school where students learn such practical

things as cooking and managing personal finances.

I'm dizzy.

The sensation a person gets after spinning around too fast;

A confused feeling combined with a fear you may fall down.

I bet that never happened in home ec.

A short way to refer to home economics class.

Forrest meets his first US. President, and then soon after,

finds himself in the US. Army with his new friend, Bubba.

The Collegiate All-American football team.

The team created at the end of each year that has the best football

players from every college. They often get to visit the White House.

I must have drunk me about 15 Dr. Peppers.

Dr. Pepper is a famous brand of soft drink (soda pop)

(Note again the ungrammatical addition of "me" that Forrest uses).

I got to pee.

Note how "have got to"--->"gotta" in rapid speech.

"To pee" is to urinate. It's safer to say "go to the bathroom."

Somebody shot his little brother.

Often used as a substitute for "younger."

You're not even a scum-sucking maggot!

A very strong insult: "Scum" is waste material such as that found

in sewer systems. A "maggot" is a type of worm-like insect, or colloquially,

a despicable or horrible person.

It was my inction day and I was already getting yelled at.

The first day upon entering an organization. In this case, the US. army.

Have you ever been on a shrimping boat?

A boat used primarily for catching shrimp.

I was looking to buy a boat on my own and then I got drafted.

If you are drafted, you are forced by the government

to enter into the army or other armed forces.

People call me Bubba, just like one of them redneck boys.

"Bubba" is the stereotypical name for a "redneck," which is a common slang word

for a crude and unecated person. The stereotype often includes a person who

is racist, sexist and likes guns, trucks and beer.

Whatever you tell me, Drill Sergeant!

The army officer in charge of training new soldiers.

You're god damn gifted!

"Gifted" is a very complimentary adjective for intelligent, or born with great

ability or talent. However, note that "god damn" is a crude but common way of

expressing emotion such as anger (which suggests that the entire phrase is sarcastic).

I fit in the army like one of those round pegs.

"I fit in the army well" (A round peg is a small pin used to plug a hole.

The opposite of "fitting in" is to be "a square peg in a round hole").

Jesus H. Christ...I'd recommend you to OCS.

For some reason, the middle initial that is often used when people say "Jesus Christ"

to express various emotions. The OCS was a division of the army.

You can boil, broil, sauté....They're deep fried, stir fried...

Bubba's list of the various ways you can cook shrimp.

Shrimp kabob, Creole, gumbo, stew, salad, burgers.

Bubba's list of the way shrimp can be served. Creole and Gumbo

are types of spicy soup that are popular in the South.

We lay there in our bunks.

A narrow bed, used in places like army barracks,

which are buildings used to house soldiers.

Get a load of the tits on her!

"Get a load of" something is a colloquial way to say "Look at..."

"Tits" is colloquial and somewhat crude word for breasts

(It's safer to say "boobs," if you insist on being colloquial).

Jenny goes off to live her dream as a folk singer,

and Forrest goes off to the Vietnam War.

Our very own beatnik beauty: Let's give a round

of applause to the luscious Bobbie Dylan!

A "beatnik" was a type of writer or artist in the 1950s who rejected traditional

American society (They were a type of early hippie or bohemian who were known to

discuss philosophy in cafes, and were often associated with Jazz and drugs). "Luscious"

is an interesting adjective for sective, or perhaps pleasant to the senses. Bob Dylan

is a folk singer who became very famous in the 1960s.

Her dream had come true. She was a folk singer.

A person who sings about injustice and other social issues,

usually with just an acoustic (not electric) guitar.

Stupid jerk!

A good word for idiot, moron, or imbecile,

and in certain contexts, asshole or bastard.

They were trying to grab you!

"To grab" means to hold, restrain or perhaps seize suddenly.

Hang on a minute.

Another way to say "wait."

Just like that, she was gone.

A good way to say "suddenly" (Forre
